Welcome to TrailMark Fit!
Kick-started by two fellow TrailMark residents, this website coordinates meet ups for activities in the beautiful outdoors we have around us here in TrailMark.
Run & Walk at Hogback Hill Park
Wednesdays & Fridays at 6:30 am
We do a 30 minute walk and a separate run that will meet twice a week. We’ll meet at the Hogback Hill Park parking lot. Runners will follow a 2 mile loop course. Walkers will follow a 1.3 mile out and back course. And runners and walkers will meet back up at the same spot we started at. All ages and abilities are welcome!
Other Activities
Ladies meet to hike twice a week in the neighborhood, and once a month venture to nearby trails. Starting in June, there will also be yoga on Mondays.
Want to Add Something?
If you have an activity you’re passionate about, and you’d like to get a TrailMark posse rounded up to do it – whether it’s road biking, hiking, mountain biking, pickleball, paddleboarding or something else – we’d love for your group to have a home here on TrailMark Fit. Just reach out to Heather with the details and she’ll add it to the website: heathermvaughan@gmail.com.
Thanks to Eric Siegler for the gorgeous photo above!